Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hair Tips (things to do and NOT to do if you want beautiful hair)

So I did some research (the psychology side of me coming out) of things you can do at home if you want to help keep your hair healthy and beautiful. I also did some research on some things NOT to do to your hair. I am not a professional by any means and  everyone's hair is different so use at your own risk ;) Check it out:

1. Vinegar rinse. I put this first on my list because I have done this quite a bit. Every once in a while my hair gets this disgusting build up in it. It feels greasy like I smeared mayo in it and no matter what I wash it with it won't come out. My grandma told me to do a vinegar rinse to help get rid of the build up. It cleared it right up! A few weeks ago I had colored my hair and it had left it feeling disgusting, so I borrowed some vinegar from a friend and it left my hair feeling very clean and soft. I highly suggest doing this every once and a while to give your hair a deep clean. Feel free to mix it with water before you pour it on or just pour it straight from the bottle. I have also heard that the apple cider kind works best, but I have used regular as well and they both seem to work fine.

2. Baking Soda This one helps remove any chemical build up that you may have in your hair (much like the vinegar) and leaves it soft and smooth.  It is suggested that you rinse your hair with a tablespoon of baking soda while you are shampooing once a week. Small warning though, I read in several places that baking soda can lighten your hair. So if you want to keep your locks dark, don't rinse it with this. 

3. Avoid excessive use of:  a curling iron, blow dryer or hair straightener! This should be a no brainer. Let your hair relax without using excessive heat.  Do not blow dry, curl or straighten your hair every day. It will dry it out and make it brittle.

4. Water. Drinking lots of water is not only good for your health but it is also great for having healthy hair

5. Lemon juice.  Have oily hair? Apply lemon juice on your scalp and leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse.  This also helps with dandruff. 

6. Olive oil.  Good for dry hair! Apply, leave on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with COLD water. This helps add moisture to your hair. 

7. Over conditioning: Do not condition your hair every time you wash it. It can cause your hair to become greasy and lifeless. 

8. Trim. Trim your hair often! Keeps it healthy by cutting off the dead ends. Don't be afraid to do it yourself (you will save a lot of money!) or have a family member do it for you.

9. Wet hair. When your hair is wet there are a few things you shouldn't do to it. First off, don't brush it. This can cause your hair to break because hair is more fragile when it is wet. Instead, use a fine tooth comb.  Also, when drying your hair with a towel gently blot it. Don't aggressively rub it because this can damage your hair and cause it to become frizzy.

10. Wearing your hair up.  When washing your face with any acne medication be sure to pull your hair up away from your face to avoid the chemicals from getting in it. But be careful not to wear your hair up all the time (especially in a tight bun) because hair bands can cause hair to snag and rip.

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